Tuesday, April 2, 2019

5 Questions to Consider Before Becoming a Surrogate

Ever thought of becoming a surrogate? If yes, there are 5 questions you need to ask yourself before making your decision.

Whether you love being pregnant or not, becoming a surrogate is physically and emotionally demanding. You will need to do some heavy thinking before deciding if surrogacy is a path you can take. Here are five important questions to ask yourself before becoming a surrogate.
Become A Surrogate
What is my motivation?
One of the key parts of becoming a surrogate is the right motivation. While you may receive payments throughout your surrogacy journey, the money is just a bonus and should not be the main motivator. As experienced surrogates will tell you, no amount of money is worth the emotional, legal and medical work you are going to undergo as a surrogate. Your greatest reward will be the beautiful smile on the faces of the Intended Parents (IPs) after you have helped them achieve their dream. Think about the reasons this rewarding journey calls to you: sharing the love of parenthood with other people, the sweet joy of pregnancy…. does this ultimate gift even have a price?

How will this affect my family?
You are going to need the full support of your partner (if you have one) during this journey. Think about how the pregnancy would affect your own children and the care and attention you give them. You also need to consider how you will inform them about the path you are about to take if they are of age.

What effect will this have on my daily life?
Being pregnant with a surrogate child can affect your family and work schedule just like a normal pregnancy can. However, you also need to factor in IVF treatments, meetings with IPs and lawyers, and screening appointments into the picture. Think of length about how you will handle your daily responsibilities as you juggle between appointments and the type of support you will have if need to be on bed rest.  

Is my own family complete?
It is known that surrogates are required to have given birth to their own child, but why does your family need to be complete? Don’t let a history of uncomplicated pregnancies fool you. Pregnancy and delivery are naturally very risky processes. You may not be able to carry another pregnancy due to complications from a previous pregnancy. Therefore, you need to be sure your own family is complete before embarking on a family building journey for someone else.

Where can I get support?
Do you have any supportive friends willing to hear about your journey? Are there any surrogate support groups in your area? Do you mind seeking professional assistance if the need arises? Before you begin this journey, you will want to know where your support will come from. It is in your best interest to have something set up in the event of pregnancy complications. 
Become A Surrogate Mother
Luckily with Physician’s Surrogacy, you will have a direct surrogate support person to help yours throughout your journey. In addition, you will be able to have a surrogate support family from the agency. You can share stories, learn about each other, and most of all, support each other.

Surrogacy, as a selfless act of love, requires a lot of reflection and thought. This journey holds joy and challenges for you, your family and those you are trying to help. You will want to be honest with yourself when deciding if the path is right for you now.

If you’re interested in becoming a surrogate, apply today with Physician's Surrogacy, the only physician-managed surrogacy program in the world.

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